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Chapter 17: Nagasaki, Japan

The atomic bomb dropped by the United States Military over Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945 killed as many as 70,000 people and injured as many as 75,000 people.

Atomic Destruction of Nagasaki, Japan
Photo Courtesy US Richard A. Beam Family

For the most part, train tracks survived the atomic blast, even though the train station at Nagasaki did not. Japanese workers were ordered to clear debris at the train station while US military personnel rebuilt train loading/unloading platforms for receiving and processing ex-POW's.

Dad arrived at the POW Processing Center via train on September 16, 1945. He went through mandatory delousing and bathing and received new clothing. His weight was 98 pounds.

Coffee and Donuts!
Photo Courtesy US Richard A. Beam Family

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