Hendersonville, North Carolina
About 6 months after becoming self-employed, we decided to change
things up a bit by moving to Hendersonville, North Carolina. Everything
was quite different from Houston -- higher elevation (about 2400 feet),
four seasons (including spectacular colors in the fall and snow/ice in
the winter), as well as a much slower and more laid back atmosphere.
A blind rental for us that turned out OK. Obviously, the area
was quite scenic ... even the house looked great from the road.
Our major problem was a basement that leaked VERY VERY badly!

Back of Home

Colorful Back Yard

Lotsa Leaves

Josh Cleaning Up Leaves?

Our Leaky Basement

Christmas Time

Gypsy Checks Out the Snow

Nice Hat Josh!

Checking Out the Snow

Josh and Justin

Julie, Josh and Justin

Justin Enjoying the Cold!

No Basketball Today!

Justin Clearing a Path

Gypsy Enjoying the Snow

Ice Storm

Pretty Ice Storm

Very Pretty Ice Storm

Ice Storm

Bad Ice Storm

Very Bad Ice Storm

Justin on Wheels

Josh & Justin on Wheels

Josh & Justin Chillin'

Bush 41 in Hooterville

Lotsa Rain Greets the Prez

George, Barbara and Millie